Upcoming: Renaissance Edition

Filed under: by: Grundy the Man

This weekend I had the pleasure of attending a Renaissance festival with my wife. We had a great time, but it actually got me think about a recent Renaissance that we have experienced here on the blog. Last week, we had the blessing of getting a tremendous amount of traffic on several of our articles. Among the most popular was Jimmy the Greek's post, 'What I Hate About Nintendo." Hopefully this is a sign of successes to come.

In general housekeeping news, please note the new site archive navigator at right. This should hopefully be more useful for those who want to take a peek at all of our past articles. If there are any other tools that you would like to see, just leave a note in the comments. No promises, but know that we are always open to new ideas.

This week, you can see my first impressions of Too Human, as well as a review for Top Spin 3 and Madden 09. Also, in the piece that everyone wants to see, we will have a new "What I Hate About..." article from Jimmy the Greek. Plus we can also look forward to surprise contributions from the rest of the team. Lets see if the trend continues and the support is strong. Thanks to all of you that have been with us from the beginning and welcome to the new visitors. There should be something for everyone!

Have a Great Week!